Fox Fun Facts and Fox Socks!

Fox Fun Facts and Fox Socks!

The Good Ol' Fabulous (Mr.) Fox

Did you know that a group of foxes are called a leash or skulk of foxes?

What about that, unless they have young, foxes live solitary lives- hunting and sleeping alone, more or less making them lone wolves? If they've got young, they'll live in underground burrows.

To celebrate the launch of our brand new Bare Kind Save the Foxes Bamboo Socks, we're going to tell you all about foxes and why we're supporting the Brent Lodge Wildlife Hospital to save them! 

172 socks hand rears a fox cub in the first weeks of its precious life!

Starting with our favourite fun facts: 

Dogs Assemble! 

Foxes are part of the dog family. Males are called 'tod' or 'dog fox'; females are called 'vixens' and kids are 'pups', 'kits or 'cubs. Though despite this, foxes have commonalities with cats: their pupils are vertical slits, they're most active at night, they have whiskers, and they're the only type of dog to have retractable claws. Not to mention, their hunting habits are more similar to a cat's: stalking and pouncing on their prey. 

At this point, you're probably wondering, well then why are foxes classified as dogs? 

To be a member of the dog (Canidae) family, the animal is otherwise known as a Canid

A Canid's physical characteristics are the following: 

  • long muzzles
  • upright ears
  • teeth adapted for bone-cracking and flesh slicing
  • long legs
  • bushy tails

Foxes fit right into that; the only thing that might vary is the legs. Now, socially, canids are mostly social animals and live together in family units or small groups. They're generally cooperative. Foxes, once adults, are unlikely to follow that norm, but in the Canidae family, only the dominant pair in a group breeds, and a litter of young are reared annually in an underground den. This part does match up with foxes, who live in burrows they've dug up underground when they have cubs. As a result, genetically, they match up more with canines than felines. 

So, there's your answer! 

Whiskers and Navigation 

Did you know foxes have whiskers on their legs? This helps gather their bearings at night.

To help with hunting, they're even able to use the earth's magnetic field.

Since foxes leap up and pounce on their prey, they can jump in any direction, but they tend towards jumping northeast, where their attack success rate quadruples!


Ever wondered how or when or why foxes were known to be one of the spirit animals a human could have? It appears to come from Native American mythology: Foxes are considered a minor animal spirit associated with intelligence and wisdom in the Northeast, Midwest and Plains tribes. It's believed they would occasionally help people or animals in problem-solving or punishing a careless or arrogant person. Meanwhile, the notion that the fox is conniving, cunning and a scoundrel may have come from the Quecha and other Andean Indians: the animal often appears in folktales as a thief and greedy, so it's generally considered a bad omen in these cultures. It's fascinating how vastly different beliefs are. 

So, why have we got foxes on our soxes?

Humans Hunt

In 2004, England and Wales banned fox hunting. 

Fox hunting for fur is a huge reason many of them end up killed. Their luscious autumn-coloured fur is attractive to fur traders and, although the industry has declined in recent years due to declining prices and activism, hunting for the sport has persisted. However, it has become illegal to do so with hounds.

Interference with habitat & Illnesses 

As always, an increase in human populations means more land is needed for urbanisation and living. As such, parts of fox habitats have been destroyed with roads being constructed in the middle of them. The end result is that many foxes end up getting run over or otherwise injured by vehicles. Since the fox can contract various diseases, their health is even more at risk with the air pollution and contamination that comes from reckless human habits and consumption. This is especially the case since foxes can eat almost anything - meaning they dig through trash to find food, and we know that's unsanitary and dangerous.

Illness is actually one of the biggest causes of fox deaths

How we can save foxes together 

10% of profits on Bare Kind's Save the Foxes Bamboo Socks are donated to the Brent Lodge Wildlife Hospital, which rescues and saves injured wildlife animals, from foxes to hedgehogs to owls and swans! 

  • 14 Save the Foxes socks provides antibiotic treatment to an injured wildlife patient 
  • 40 socks fund an hour's worth of vital care 
  • 82 socks allows for an x-ray, allowing the Hospital to provide patients with the vet treatment they need! 
Lets Save the Foxes together! 


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