World Seal Day: seal fun facts, endangerment status and the Seal Research Trust

World Seal Day: seal fun facts, endangerment status and the Seal Research Trust

Happy World Seal Day! 

On the 22nd of March, we celebrate these fascinating marine mammals that live in oceans and coastal provinces. Seals are known for their playful personalities, impressive diving abilities, and unique adaptations that allow them to thrive in various environments.

seals chilling on a coastal cliff

Let's dive right into it! 

Seals are excellent divers and can hold their breath for a long time, with some species capable of diving to depths of over 1,000 meters (3,281 feet) (National Geographic). Read on for some more fun facts! 

Brrrr! It's cold down here!

They have a thick layer of blubber that helps keep them warm in cold water, with some species having a blubber layer up to four inches thick (NOAA Fisheries).

That's... an intriguing sleeping technique... 

Seals can rest with their head above water or even sleep while floating, and they can also sleep underwater while keeping one eye open to watch for predators (BBC Earth)! I've got my eye on you! 

a seal sits up to soak in the sun while the other seals sleep around him

"I can't help that my whiskers are so sensitive!"

Seals also use their whiskers, called vibrissae, to detect prey in the water. The vibrissae are very sensitive, capable of detecting the slightest movement of water, which helps seals locate fish and other prey (National Geographic).

Colony party time! 

Seals are social animals and often gather in large groups called colonies, with some colonies having thousands of seals living together (Seal Conservation Society). 

So, are seals endangered? 

Despite their impressive adaptations and social behaviour, many seal species face survival threats. 

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 1/3+ of all seal species are listed as "Vulnerable," "Endangered," or "Critically Endangered" due to factors such as habitat loss, hunting, and climate change. The Caribbean monk seal was declared extinct in 2008, and other species such as the Mediterranean monk seal and the Hawaiian monk seal are considered critically endangered (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species).

Introducing the Seal Research Trust 

The Seal Research Trust conducts research and conservation efforts to protect seals and their habitats. Did you know that grey seals, a species found in the North Atlantic, can recognize each other's unique vocalizations? This ability helps them identify and communicate with other individuals in their colony (Seal Research Trust). Additionally, harbour seals, which are found along the coasts of the Northern Hemisphere, have a remarkable ability to navigate using the Earth's magnetic field (Seal Research Trust).

our seal socks funded 5 school sessions with the Seal Research Trust

Bare Kind's Seal Bamboo Socks 

We donate 10% of profits on our Save the Seal Bamboo Socks to the Seal Research Trust. In one year, we were able to fund research that ended up delivering 5 online awareness sessions at schools! We're incredibly proud of our community and our seal socks for raising awareness about seals in the younger generations. 

Bare Kind save the seal bamboo socks

Save more seals! 

Share the love for seals and become a seal saviour with our seal socks here

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